Monday, July 25, 2011

December 2010

december 7, 2010

“President gave away the farm… “
  Yeah, by ‘cutting deal’ with republicans the Precedent managed to do something seemingly unimaginable, infuriate not just the left wing of his party (he’s been pretty good at that so far), but basically majority of it!
  Even guys like James Carvill or… and that’s just unbelievable, Roland Martin (!) criticise him! And that was before this new embarrassment… Oh, ’brothers’ must be really pissed if already some commentators make comparisons that are favourable to the ‘previous administration’! Telling Obama to ‘buckle up’ and… fight. Yeah, where is ‘The Rock Obama’?
  Jessica Jelen from CNN even noticed that he seems to be so calm talking about the republicans but gets quite angry with his democratic collegues... But the 'good news' is that this time he doesn’t need that many democrats to get enough votes, the republicans couldn't be happier!
  And he's fine with it, that's for sure. Having another Martini and basking in his imaginary greatness...  Probably also the first president so detached from reality.

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2008

Ooops… could I have been more wrong?! This ‘traitor’, Iraqi prime minister, suddenly on the same page with Obama?! His statement that Iraq would like to see American troops to be gone before 2010 is a total shocker, not just for the Bush administration, but many Americans. Of course, it totally supports Obama’s plans to withdraw the US troops within 16 months into his ... prospective presidency.
  But then, it must have something to do with the coming Iraq elections, so the question is what is that this Malaki guy  tries to gain by splitting from the White House and giving a considerable boost the democratic nominee…
 Interesting what David Gergen, the former advisor to four presidents (love this guy. I hang on every word coming from him) said.  
  “[Obama] clearly overstepped his autority. I don’t remember when a presidential candidate negotiated (he used this word) with a foreign leader. Especially something as important as the war. We have the president, and it’s his job”.  
  To Obama’s credit, he did admit to be wrong when he opposed the surge. Very honourable, candidate. Still, how many times can you be wrong? And still hold your head so high… (Like, a bit too high?). 
 Yeah, his supporters will continue saying that he opposed the war to begin with. And, that the Americans will need more soldiers in Afghanistan. Sure, but this Afghanistan situation... Hasn’t it been like… forever? That not just the Americans but also Canadians, Poles and others have been urging for reinforcements?
  Actually, I wanted to write about it long ago. That Poland gave Canada some helicopters and both countries agreed that they need more troops. Esp. Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs was very vocal on the subject at some NATO meeting. Also stressing that the Germans and French should move their forces from northern, much safer areas, to those where it’s getting really ‘hot’. That was at least 8-10 months ago…
  Last night one of the commentators just mentioned that Obama talked like he already were the president. But nobody really picked on it. Right now, I’m watching his speech in Jordan.
  “… as president I will…”  And that was a written speech.
But later, answering questions, a few times he used the phrases like “as a potential (should I be) Commander in Chief”.  Good.