In the more serious part of this show of his was talking to... (someone from some organization, don’t really remember) about the ’Bradley Effect’ - white people saying what’s politically correct for the polls, but voting against a black candidate.
“I think that the Bradley Effect disappeared somewhere… in the 1990s.". Says the nice lady. "When Bill Clinton…” changed some legislation or something. Sorry, I didn't pay that much attention. What she was saying is that at that time racism somehow seemed to be subsiding.
Hm... Even if so, in 1995, after OJ got pass from 'his jury', it (call it neo-racism) definitely came back. Even if maybe there was no clear evidence like the Rodney King case. The 'whities' didn't forget all the crazy eruption of joy among blacks, after 'da brother' was set free.
We got a little ’preview’ of what may happen on Tuesday (and… after) just an hour later. They had those three commentators, as usual, one from each party and somebody ’neutral’. On behalf of the democrats there was Roland Martin. I like this guy, he is always passionate but fair. His comments are usually well balanced. Last night… Was he drunk? Already? He acted like a little, giddy kid. Seriously, laughing almost maniacally, making exaggerated... OK, stupid faces... You think now I’m exaggerating? Let’s see what happens…
Strangely, not just D.L. Hughly was not really funny. Larry King assembled a quite decent pack of comedians but… John Stewart’s “Sarah Palin going rouge“? Give me a break.
Even Kathy Griffin took some three minutes to elaborate how spooky the name “Vasilla” sounds. “Isn’t it like a place you’d like to get out of? […] “I don’t think Vasilla is a place people dream about… “Oh, one day, when I retire I'd settle..."
O c'mon girl. You can do better than that. And she can be funny!
And, obviously, no Obama jokes. When Larry pointed that out, Uuuuhm... someone murmured something about his ‘skinny stature”. Oh, and… “Did you see his ears?!” But no joke here. And that‘s about it.
Is everybody so scared of being called racist?! Black comedians have no problems with Palin, even if they could be ’double labeled’, as being racists and sexists.
If I were there (hmmm...), I would have something what has nothing to do with race. Again, it’s this 'little something' somehow nobody picks on, his disastrous ignorance when it comes to international politics! (Did anyone say Sarah Palin has ’limited experience’?).
The only problem I’d have would be how to beat what HE said himself. You have Russia invading Georgia, and he treats both as ’trouble makers'. So, how to make it even more funny? “What would president Obama do if Russia invaded… Lichtenstein?” It’s still too far…
OK, how about “if China invaded Bhutan?” Eh, is that funny? At least I tried.
As usual, Jay Leno doesn't disappoint. “Senator Obama went to ‘trick or treat’ with his children, but only to houses where people make 250 thousand dollars or more… That is funny.