Oh man, I’m really tired of this. Same all, same all. Practically stopped watching this shit. Yes, the fact that McCain lost any chance to win the election definitely has something to do with it.
Why am I so much against Obama? Because he’s a fake. I talked about it, but long ago. All this ‘high school drama’ during the primaries (he and Michele acted like kids who try to be cool), his facial expressions... Remember the cover (whatever magazine it was) showing his handsome face… head slightly raised, like he’s looking down on everybody, and the title "Snob"?
To me, he doesn’t look (and sound) anything like a scholar. More like an ’A’ student. You know, this annoying nerd who is always prepared and raises his hand?
"Change, change!" - this mantra wouldn’t help him this much if suddenly markets went up, not so horribly down, and made people desperate for any change. He’s already making some changes. In his, so characteristic, calm way (as oppose to this ’erratic’ Mc Cain‘s… what a BS! The guy was never erratic in 30 years, even after his 6 year long imprisonment), he made a couple of, quite important, changes; his definition of ’middle class’. For months, it supposed to be those who make over 250 000. Now, in a space of just a few days, he dropped the number to 200 000, and then to 150 000...
The commentators talk about it, show hosts make jokes, but so what? He has already more than needed electoral votes, practically can call himself president and... doesn’t waste his time.
What Sarah Palin said today, that he’d go back to his idea of taxing everybody who makes 42 000 (he voted for that!) sounds quite plausible. Doesn’t it? But then, who cares?
And, sure, he’ll have to raise taxes b/c he never explained where he’s going to get all the money from… You know, the money to fulfill all his promises. So what, he said he wouldn’t raise taxis for 95% of desperate Americans, and it sounds pretty great!
So the race is over, black folks… OK, this is, obviously, a 'dangerous territory', I need a bit more time. Will go back to that. Today Obama said that after Tuesday there will be some healing to do (I’m sure he put it more eloquently, just heard a comment). Healing? There will be mooore healing to do in four years, my friends… Remember how… different was the reaction on both sides when some O.J. Simpson got aquitted?
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