Wednesday, June 8, 2011

November 4 (Post) Election Day

  Obama won, surprise, surprise… This ‘recovery week’ on Wall Street came a bit too late. After conventions, they were both head to head. At some point, McCain even a couple of points ahead… 
 They can talk forever about Obama’s organization skills, what a perfect campaigner he is… It was dead heat before people got really scared, and ready for any change. So, to change the government would be a, kinda, logical move, I'd guess.
And Obama, through his ridiculous, ’total advertising’ (same infomercial simultaneously on four channels?!), kept pounding… (Oh no, it was called “staying on message”) da slogan that 'McCain is another Bush'... And what a problem to find a picture of his opponent hugging the 'sitting duck', prez? They belong to the same party, remember?
 At least Bush isn’t a racist. Would anyone, who has just a bit of common sense, believe that for 20 years Obama hadn’t ’noticed’ that his mentor was a hardcore racist?! To me it’s obvious that  rev. Jeremiah  Wright was absolutely right (sorry for this cheap pun) saying (publicly) that Barack couldn’t admit to sharing his views because, quite obviously, he “could never be elected president”. (His exact words).
  If he didn’t agree with his mentor (as he called him) in any-thing, why, as some pointed out, not simply leave the church?
 So, the naïve Yankees got themselves a first black and, almost openly, racist president! But who cares?
 So much was said about the ‘dirty campaign’ on part of McCain, but maybe the only reason why Obama’s campaign was so “clean” is that they tried, but simply couldn’t find, any racists among McCain’s and Palin’s associates?   
 As for Sarah Palin (I'll definitely go back to her!), at least she's natural. I don’t like pretentious people, that’s it. Actually, I wanted to say “nobody likes pretentious people’ but looks like… millions adore this fake! Sure, I think Obama is… I don’t know if he’s a snob (you have to know a person a bit better than from speeches and debates), but he’s a definition of pretentious.
  Oh, what’s that? (I’m watching this circus right now. No really). Uh, it’s McCain’s turn ‘to be gracious”, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job. Oouuuh...
“… and that’s why this is the greatest nation on earth!”
 Good, time to switch back to “Criminal Minds”. The commercial break is over.
  What now? They just caught a weirdo, who was making video at a boy’s funeral. The FBI profilers are sure that they have the boy’s killer. Turns out he’s not, only ‘bragged’ about molesting the kid... You know, boys will be boys. But there was no evidence of any sexual activity. So, he’s "just a creep, but not the murderer".
  “Sorry, it’s not him”. Says one of the agents to the boy's mother. 

  “How many of them is there?!!” 
  “More than you think”.
  And many more than in other parts of the world. Those parts inhabited by ‘less greatest’ nations on earth.

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